Nitrous Pancakes Recipe

In this article, we’d like to do a big shout-out to Alton Brown: if there is anyone who’d inspire us with an actual nitrous pancake recipe, it’s him – the original food scientist and creative. 

Like us, he loves “multitaskers” – kitchen tools that don’t have only one use. Because what’s the use of having complicated kitchen equipment if you only use it for that one thing? 

Whipping cream dispensers and nangs are unbelievable multitaskers. We try to prove that with all of our creative recipes (and so much more than recipes, too!) 

According to Alton’s recipe, the total time for making these 6 large nitrous pancakes is 12 minutes. It took us about 20 minutes to get the hang of it, but once we did, it was completely worth it, and we know that it will go much faster next time. 

(We did have to use a spare dispenser to actually make whipped cream for the pancake topping! Get stocked up.)

How to make pancakes using a whipped cream dispenser – it’s easy! 

First, here is the basic buttermilk pancake recipe that we used for our nitrous pancakes: 

1.2 cups all-purpose flour (or 250ml)

2/3 cup buttermilk (round down from 0.88 cups)

2 large eggs

4 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon sugar (or 4.25 tablespoons)

1 tablespoon vanilla extract

3/4 teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon unsalted or clarified butter


What are you going to need? 

In order of appearance, we’re going to need: 

A large bowl

A whisk 

Whipped cream dispenser 

One nitrous-oxide charger, or nang

One large nonstick pan

A spatula 

A plate

nitrous pancakes with whipped cream topping

A big appetite

After you have gathered all that you need, it’s time to get started. Don’t worry – this isn’t a common way to make pancakes – it’s not very well known, and even if you’re an experienced cook, you might get a bit nervous when combining a charged whipping cream dispenser with heavy buttermilk pancake batter.

The procedure for dispensing nitrous pancakes – get ready to be impressed! 

After you breathe deeply and commit to this method, it’s time to get started. Prepare your tools and ingredients and get ready for some experimenting! Here is what you need to do: 

  1. Whisk it Up: In a large bowl, combine the flour, buttermilk, eggs, sugar, vanilla extract, and salt. Whisk everything together until smooth and free of lumps. It should have the consistency of honey. 
  2. Charge It Up! Here comes the fun part! Grab your whipped cream dispenser and a funnel. Carefully pour the batter into the dispenser using the funnel, but be sure not to fill it past the maximum fill line. Screw on the lid tightly, then pop in an N2O charger and give it a good shake – 15 to 20 vertical shakes should do the trick. Let the dispenser rest for a minute to allow the gas to be distributed evenly.
  3. Get Cookin’: Heat your non-stick pan over medium heat and melt the butter. Now for the grand reveal! Invert the dispenser and gently squeeze out rounds of batter onto the hot pan, leaving a few inches between each one. If you have an audience, this is a good moment for some showmanship. 
  4. Golden Goodness: Watch as your pancakes magically puff up! Cook for about a minute per side or until golden brown and cooked through.
buttermilk pancake batter
  1. Repeat and enjoy!: Continue dispensing and cooking the remaining batter, keeping your pan hot and adding more butter as needed. Stack your fluffy masterpieces high, add your favourite toppings (syrup, fruit, whipped cream—the sky’s the limit!), and get ready to experience pancakes like never before!
  2. It’s a great idea to have homemade whipped cream ready to go – this is why we recommend having a collection of cream dispensers for exactly such an occasion. One is never enough (but we might be biased!)


  • Make sure your dispenser is clean and dry before using.
  • Don’t overfill the dispenser – it can lead to a mess!
  • Experiment with different flavours! Add a pinch of cinnamon to the batter, or top your pancakes with fresh berries and a drizzle of honey. We love to use orange flavouring instead of vanilla.

The final taste

It’s fun to experiment with new recipes. We found that this method aerates the pancakes very well, and they are significantly more fluffy than just “regular” pancakes.

It’s a fun new skill to try, especially if you’re not a fan of baking soda or baking powder flavours or if you have never been able to get your pancakes as light as in a restaurant. 

Alert: Yes, please note that this recipe doesn’t include baking powder or baking soda. This will alter the flavour of the pancakes, and you might find that you actually enjoy these much more than your “regular normal” pancakes. 

We hope that you are ready to use our favourite multi-tasker to try this fabulous pancake recipe! With a little science and a fun kitchen gadget, you’ll be whipping up fluffy perfection in no time!


Nitrous Pancakes
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As the driving force behind Nang Wizard, I'm proud to lead Melbourne's fastest instant delivery company. With a team of 5 dedicated drivers strategically positioned across the city, we guarantee under one-hour delivery times. Our unwavering commitment to trustworthiness and customer satisfaction has earned us a 5.0-star Google Maps rating, and we're known for offering 100% refunds if a customer's delivery isn't on track within 15 minutes. With over 20,000 orders completed, we've become Melbourne's most trusted Kitchen Supply Store, ensuring our customers always come first. Join us and experience the magic of Nang Wizard.

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